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 * Observe dom mutation using a MutationObserver as a stream (AsyncIterator)
export class MutationStream {
   * Construct a new MutationStream
  constructor() {
     * @type {MutationObserver}
    this.mo = new MutationObserver((ml, ob) => {
      if (this._resolve) {

     * @type {?function(arg: *): *}
     * @private
    this._resolve = null;

     * @type {boolean}
     * @private
    this._loopStream = false;

   * Start observing an element for mutations
   * @param {Node} elem - The element to be observed for mutations
   * @param {Object} config - Configuration object accepted by mutation observers
  observe(elem, config) {
    this.mo.observe(elem, config);
    this._loopStream = true;

   * Start observing an element for mutations and receive an async iterator
   * yielding the observed mutations
   * @param {Node} elem - The element to be observed for mutations
   * @param {Object} config - Configuration object accepted by mutation observers
   * @return {AsyncIterableIterator<MutationRecord[]>}
  observeStream(elem, config) {
    this.observe(elem, config);
    return this.streamItr();

   * Creates a conditional mutation stream. If the startPredicate
   * does not return true then the the observer discontents ending the stream.
   * Otherwise the stream continues to emit mutations until the observer is
   * disconnected or the stopPredicate returns true. The stopPredicate is polled
   * at 1.5 second intervals when the observer is waiting for the next mutation.
   * @param {Node} elem - The element to be observed for mutations
   * @param {Object} config - Configuration object accepted by mutation observers
   * @param {function(): boolean} startPredicate - Predicate function right before
   * mutations are yielded to determine if the stream should end immediately or not
   * @param {function(): boolean} stopPredicate - Predicate function polled
   * while waiting for mutations to occur that returns false to indicate
   * the stream should end.
   * @return {AsyncIterator<MutationRecord[]>}
  predicatedStream(elem, config, startPredicate, stopPredicate) {
    this.observe(elem, config);
    return this.predicateStreamItr(startPredicate, stopPredicate);

   * Disconnects the mutation observer and ends the stream
  disconnect() {
    this._loopStream = false;
    if (this._resolve) {
    this._resolve = null;

   * Returns a promise that resolves with the next observed mutation
   * @return {Promise<?MutationRecord[]>}
   * @private
  _getNext() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      this._resolve = resolve;

   * Returns an stream (async iterator) that yields
   * the observed mutations. Must have called {@link observe} before
   * calling this method, otherwise no mutations will be yielded
   * @return {AsyncIterator<MutationRecord[]>}
  async *streamItr() {
    let next;
    while (this._loopStream) {
      next = await this._getNext();
      if (next == null) {
      yield next;

   * Returns an mutation stream that ends if the startPredicate returns false
   * otherwise keeps the stream alive until disconnect or the stopPredicate, polled
   * at 1.5 second intervals when waiting for next mutation, returns false.
   * Automatically disconnects at the end.
   * @param {function(): boolean} startPredicate - Predicate function right before
   * mutations are yielded to determine if the stream should end immediately or not
   * @param {function(): boolean} stopPredicate - Predicate function polled
   * while waiting for mutations to occur that returns false to indicate
   * the stream should end.
   * @return {AsyncIterator<?MutationRecord[]>}
  async *predicateStreamItr(startPredicate, stopPredicate) {
    if (!startPredicate()) {
      return this.disconnect();
    let checkTo;
    let next;
    while (this._loopStream) {
      next = await Promise.race([
        new Promise(resolve => {
          checkTo = setInterval(() => {
            if (stopPredicate()) {
              checkTo = null;
              return resolve(null);
          }, 1500);
      if (checkTo) {
        checkTo = null;
      if (next == null) break;
      yield next;

   * @return {AsyncIterator<?MutationRecord[]>}
  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
    return this.streamItr();